Keuka Ridge - Females
As a responsible breeder, I operate a transparent cattery where health testing is a top priority. All test results are available to prospective pet owners upon request to ensure full disclosure.
Routine health screenings and genetic testing helps identify hereditary conditions, prevent the spread of diseases, and strengthen the breed’s health. By proactively addressing potential health concerns, breeders can make informed decisions that reduce the risk of passing on genetic disorders. Transparency in health testing not only reassures prospective pet owners but also reinforces a breeder’s commitment to ethical and responsible breeding practices.
My HCM echocardiograms are done yearly by board certified veterinary cardiologist, Dr Sarah Clay Bell DVM at the Louisville, KY CVCA Clinic. Breeder HCM clinics are conducted twice a year by Dr Bell and I take all breeding adults up to Louisville for yearly scans.

GRC Keuka Ridge Femme Fatale (Cerci)
Country of Origin: USA
Breeder: Susan Boardman
Female: Black/Brown Spotted Torbie w/White (SIB f24 09)
​​​Sire: Darieos North Paradise of Keuka Ridge
Dam: Keuka Ridge Pantera
PKD1: Negative per DNA Testing
PK Def: Negative per DNA Testing
HCM: Echocardiogram Normal - 10/20/2024
DNA Testing - Clear

Keuka Ridge Rock U Like A Hurricane (Calypso)
Country of Origin: USA
Breeder: Susan Boardman
Female: Black/Brown Classic Torbie w/White (SIB f22 09)
​​​Sire: Darieos North Paradise of Keuka Ridge
Dam: Keuka Ridge Pantera
PKD1: Negative per DNA Testing
PK Def: Negative per DNA Testing
HCM: Echocardiogram Normal - 10/20/2024
DNA Testing - Clear

Keuka Ridge Pantera
Country of Origin: USA
Breeder: Susan Boardman
Female: Black/Brown Classic Tabby (SIB n22)
​​​Sire: Nereo Phantom Cats
Dam: CH Keuka Ridge Moonlight Daria
PKD1: Negative per DNA Testing
PK Def: Negative per DNA Testing
HCM: Echocardiogram Normal - 10/20/2024
DNA Testing - Clear

CH Charovnica Top*Matryoshka (Tempest)
Country of Origin: Russia
Breeder: Lyudmila Yampolskaya
Female: Black/Brown Spotted Tabby (SIB n24)
​​​Sire: Ostap Hatanga
Dam: CH Barsa Hatanga
PKD1: Negative per DNA Testing
PK Def: Negative per DNA Testing
HCM: Echocardiogram Normal - 10/20/2024
DNA Testing - Clear

CH Keuka Ridge Moonlight Daria
Country of Origin: USA
Breeder: Susan Boardman
Female: Seal Lynx Tabby Point (SIB n21 33)
​​​Sire: Kovu Kubaland of Keuka Ridge
Dam: Ottepel' Lunnaya Dymka
PKD1: Negative per DNA Testing
PK Def: Negative per DNA Testing
HCM: Echocardiogram Normal - 04/22/2022
DNA Testing - Clear

Yesemin Snejnaya Zima
Country of Origin: Russia
Breeder: Olga Orlacheva
Female: Blue Lynx Tabby Point (SIB a21 33)
​​​Sire: Zlata Snejnaya Zima
Dam: Tsukor Tzar-Koshka
PKD1: Negative per DNA Testing
PK Def: Negative per DNA Testing
HCM: Echocardiogram Normal - 10/20/2024
DNA Testing - Clear

CH Trinity Gremlineva of Keuka Ridge
Country of Origin: Netherlands
Breeder: Alexandra Bruines
Female: Black/Silver Classic Torbie w/White (SIB ns22 09)
​​​Sire: GIC Manok Sladkoe Pyatnyshko
Dam: Fedra Lilianka
PKD1: Negative per DNA Testing
PK Def: Negative per DNA Testing
HCM: Echocardiogram Normal - 10/20/2024
DNA Testing - Clear

Keuka Ridge Brooklyn
Country of Origin: USA
Breeder: Susan Boardman
Female: Black/Brown Spotted Tabby (SIB n24)
​​​Sire: Darieos North Paradise of Keuka Ridge
Dam: Charovnica Top*Matryoshka
PKD1: Negative per DNA Testing
PK Def: Negative per DNA Testing
HCM: Echocardiogram Normal - 10/20/2024
DNA Testing - Clear

Ottepel Lunnaya Dymka (Oakley)
Country of Origin: Russia
Breeder: Maria Belousova
Female: Black/Brown Spotted Tabby (SIB n24)
​​​Sire: WCH Potap Lunnaya Dymka
Dam: Guash' Lunnaya Dymka
PKD1: Negative per DNA Testing
PK Def: Negative per DNA Testing
HCM: Echocardiogram Normal - 04/22/2022
DNA Testing - Clear

Keuka Ridge Blueberry
Country of Origin: USA
Breeder: Susan Boardman
Female: Blue Classic Tabby (SIB a22)
​​​Sire: Nereo Phantom Cats
Dam: CH Keuka Ridge Moonlight Daria
PKD1: Negative per DNA Testing
PK Def: Negative per DNA Testing
HCM: Echocardiogram Normal - 04/22/2022
DNA Testing - Clear

Sabine Taymur of Keuka Ridge
Country of Origin: Russia
Breeder: Irina Samoylova Taymur
Female: Black/Brown Classic Tabby w/White (SIB n22 09)
​​​Sire: Jackpot Taymur of Starsiberia
Dam: Xenia Taymur
PKD1: Negative per DNA Testing
PK Def: Negative per DNA Testing
HCM: Echocardiogram Normal - 10/20/2024
DNA Testing - Clear